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Routes and timetable

Autotrolej transports passengers everyday over 50 routes, connecting 13 towns and municipalities using 171 buses

Ikona gradske linije

City routes

City (local) transport is carried out in the area of the city of Rijeka on 18 routes. The routes cover the entire city area

Ikona gradske noćne linije

City night routes

The city’s nighttime transport is carried out on 2 routes. The routes cover the area of the city of Rijeka, and the network is arranged according to the basic directions of the city’s roads.

Ikona prigradske linije

Suburban routes

County (suburban) transport is carried out on 31 routes, and it connects 13 municipalities and towns with the county centre


Ticket types available for city and suburban public transport

They are valid for an unlimited number of trips in the zone(s) that are registered.

We distinguish two types of these cards, the worker’s ticket and the one for people over the age of 65.