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The utility company Autotrolej Ltd of Rijeka provides transport over 50 routes, connecting 13 towns and municipalities with the centre of the county (the city of Rijeka). About 45,000,000 passengers are transported annually and it covers over 10,000,000 kilometres.

Autotrolej Ltd’s fleet currently consists of 171 vehicles, i.e. 97 rigid vehicles, 51 articulated vehicles, 23 minibuses (10 CNG), 3 vans (2 for the transport of people with disabilities) and 1 double-decker tourist bus for sightseeing the city. Of this number, as indicated, there is a total of 49 vehicles that run on compressed natural gas (CNG). The remaining vehicles run on diesel.

In another way, in 2013, Autotrolej successfully procured as many as 21 vehicles that use compressed natural gas (CNG) as fuel, and these are the first public transport vehicles that use CNG in the city of Rijeka. These are 11 rigid vehicles and 10 minibuses. The first vehicles that run on CNG on the streets of Rijeka began operating on 11th May 2013, when 10 rigid vehicles and 2 minibuses were launched, whilst 8 more minibuses arrived later. This was an investment worth 25 million HRK (kuna), which Autotrolej secured with a loan from Erste Bank, in cooperation with the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR), given that this project is included in the Loan Programme for the Financing of Projects of Environmental Protection, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources.

In January 2014, 10 vehicles that use a mixture of diesel and LPG as fuel were launched. Thanks to the installation of this system, exhaust gases should be reduced by up to 35% and a drop in fuel costs is expected. With the introduction of 10 converted diesel/LPG vehicles, CO2 emissions will be reduced by 51.57 tons per year.

In February 2014, vehicles were also launched, a total of 5 – 4 rigid buses and 1 minibus, equipped with engines in line with the latest standards and directives of the European Union – Euro 5/EEV engines (enhanced environmentally friendly vehicles).

The funds for the purchase of these buses and minibuses were secured by a bank loan to the amount of 5,025,000 HRK. The loan funds were provided from the Loan Programme for the Financing of Projects of Environmental Protection, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources of the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR).

Then, in 2015, 9 more CNG buses were procured (5 rigid and 4 articulated vehicles), worth a total of 23,300,200 HRK, with the Fund providing 7,456,064 HRK in grants at that occasion.

In April 2017, 10 new CNG buses were launched. With the purchase of these 10 buses, Autotrolej then had a total of 40 vehicles powered by compressed natural gas. The new vehicles will additionally raise the standard of public city transport, and for the first time, midi vehicles will be introduced, which will satisfy the transport needs on the so-called smaller city routes. The rigid and midi vehicles are Iveco Urbanways, whilst the articulated vehicles are MAN Lion’s City G and this was the first time that this type of articulated vehicle was introduced into Autotrolej’s fleet. All the vehicles are equipped with Euro 6 engines, they are low-floor and equipped with air conditioning.

Grant agreement – Procurement of 22 new buses for the utility company Autotrolej Ltd.

On 23rd July 2018 the utility company Autotrolej Ltd. 23. signed a contract about the grant agreement for the project of the ‘Procurement of new buses for the utility company Autotrolej Ltd.’ The project is funded within the Operational Programme ‘Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020’, from the Call for Proposals for the procurement of buses for the provision of public urban transport services.

The aim of the project, which will last 20 months, is to provide a sustainable and quality transport service to citizens by purchasing 22 new buses. The new buses will provide greater comfort to passengers because they mostly have seats and are structurally designed for longer journeys. All the vehicles procured meet the strict standards of the Euro 6 exhaust gas standard. The project represents the modernisation of the existing fleet of vehicles, all with the aim of ensuring a higher quality standard for passengers, the improving of capacity by increasing travel speed and reducing operating costs, the improving of reliability and safety, reducing harmful gas emissions and air pollution, the increase in the number of passengers using public transport in relation to personal cars and adjustment to EU standards.

The total value of the project is 48,504,687.50 HRK, eligible costs of 38,713,750 HRK, of which are grants of 38,000,000 HRK, which is as much as 98.15% of the total eligible costs. The grants come from the Cohesion Fund and the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia.


Autotrolej Ltd utility company Rijeka is a company of the City of Rijeka, as the majority owner, and nine neighbouring towns and municipalities and as such: the City of Rijeka 82.81%, Town of Bakar 2.73%, Municipality of Čavle 3.25%, Municipality of Jelenje 1.79%, Town of Kastav 1.67% Municipality of Klana 1.27%, Municipality of Viškovo 2.25%, Municipality of Kostrena 2.65%, Town of Kraljevica 0.83% and the Municipality of Matulji 0.75%.

The Autotrolej utility company is a limited liability company for the carriage of passengers

The company is listed in the register of the Commercial Court in Rijeka under the number Tt-95 / 3162-2
Giro account: 2402006-1100388041 Erste & Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
Registration number: 3326080
Company Registration Number: 19081493664
Share capital paid in full to the amount of 13,301,800 HRK
Company director: Robert Mrvčić
Headquarters: Školjić 15, Rijeka