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Monthly tickets

Monthly tickets – the monthly coupon replaces the purchased right to travel and is registered on the Card (Torpedo) in electronic form. The ticket is valid for an unlimited number of trips in the zone(s) that are listed on the City Card (Torpedo) and the routes that operate in that area.

All types of monthly tickets are valid from the first to the last date in the current month. When buying a monthly ticket, the user decides upon the Rijeka system or the Opatija subsystem. For users who opt for the Opatija subsystem, the letter ‘O’ is registered on the card, which defines the use of the subsystem as well as part of the use of the Rijeka system zone(s) depending on the purchased monthly right to travel, however, up to the maximum limit of the first tariff zone of the city of Rijeka.

Worker’s monthly ticket

It can be bought by all employees and other citizens who are not eligible for another type of ticket.

Prices of workers’ tickets

1 zone 44,06 €
2 zones 59,99 €
3 zones 75,65 €
4 zones 91,05 €

Primary school pupil’s monthly ticket

These tickets can be purchased by full-time primary school pupils.

Prices of primary school pupils’ tickets

Zone 1 14,60 €
Zones 1-4 19,11 €

Secondary school pupil’s monthly ticket

These tickets can be purchased by full-time secondary school pupils in the area of towns and municipalities where Autotrolej Ltd. provides transport services.

Student’s monthly ticket

It is intended for all full-time and part-time students if they are not in employment, about which they provide a declaration at the Autotrolej’s point of sale. They are eligible upon the condition that they have a registered permanent or temporary residence in the area of the towns and municipalities where Autotrolej Ltd. provides transport services.

Prices of secondary school pupils’ and students’ tickets

1 zone 21,37 €
2 zones 28,67 €
3 zones 36,50 €
4 zones 43,67 €

Pensioner’s monthly ticket

These tickets can be purchased by users of: old-age, family and disability pensions, and persons over 60 years of age if they are unemployed.

Monthly ticket for unemployed persons

For the first tariff zone of the city of Rijeka and the town of Opatija, or the entire tariff area from the first to the fourth zone. The ticket can be purchased by all unemployed persons registered at the Employment Service of the city of Rijeka and the town of Opatija. For the issue of a ticket, it is necessary to bring: a confirmation/record card confirmed by the Employment Service of the city of Rijeka or the town of Opatija in the month in which the ticket is purchased.

Prices of tickets for pensioners and the unemployed

Zone 1 17,85 €
Zones 1-4 30,26 €

Subsidised monthly ticket

This ticket is issued on the basis of a decision/judgement/approval of towns/municipalities. The percentage of the subsidy can be 100% or less. The user pays a surcharge up to the full price of the value of a monthly right to travel and depending on the percentage that they are eligible for based on a decision, judgement or approval of the towns/municipalities. A decision/judgement/approval states the conditions on the basis of which the user is eligible for tickets on the basis of: social status or income.

Sale of monthly rights to travel

The sale of monthly rights to travel in the category of workers, students, secondary and primary school pupils and unemployment person's tickets starts on the 21st of the current month and lasts until the 20th of the following month.

The sale of monthly rights to travel for students and secondary school pupils, co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and cities and municipalities, starts on the 21st of the current month and lasts until the 10th of the following month, by which time a refund is also possible if the ticket was purchased at the full price.

The sale of monthly rights to travel for categories that are eligible for subsidised transport based on a decision, judgement or approval obtained from the towns and municipalities in whose territory Autotrolej carries out transport services begins on the 21st of the current month and lasts until the 20th of the following month.